Tricia Rose Burt

Tricia Rose Burt grew up in the South, where she was strongly encouraged to pursue business, marry a Southerner, raise children, and live below the Mason-Dixon line. Attempts to lead that life backfired. She is now a writer, performer, and artist and lives in New England. She married a man from Ireland. They have a dog. Her story, How to Draw a Nekkid Man, was podcast by The Moth and subsequently downloaded more than a quarter million times. The story also appears on The Best of The Moth Radio Hour CD Vol. 19 and is taken from her one-woman show of the same name. Formerly known as I Will Be Good, her show was selected for the 2011 New York International Fringe Festival (FringeNYC) and further honored to appear in the FringeNYC Encore Series. In addition to her weekly blog, Burt is currently working on a memoir and her next show, Be Fruitful and Multiply. A devoted member of The Moth, she encourages everyone to join.
Photo by Sarah Stacke