Join us for #YourDailyEquation with Brian Greene. Every Mon – Fri at 3pm EDT, Brian Greene will offer brief and breezy discussions of pivotal equations. Even if your math is a …
Congratulations to Shep Doeleman and the Event Horizon Telescope team, winners of the 2020 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics! At the 2019 World Science Festival, Shep presented the methods used …
Rattlesnakes, cobras, alligators, and a huge collection of venomous reptiles come with lots of risks in the daily life of herpetologist and reptile keeper Matt Lanier. Meet some of these …
Reader’s Digest has called “Mathemagician” Arthur Benjamin “America’s Best Math Whiz.” Returning in an encore presentation, Arthur Benjamin displays feats of mental mathematical gymnastics and shares the secrets behind his skills.
Stuff happens. The weather forecast says it’s sunny, but you just got drenched. You got a flu shot—but you’re sick in bed with the flu. Your best friend from Boston met your other best friend from San Francisco. Coincidentally. What are the odds?
School’s out, but science never stops. High School students around the world: bring your curiosity and your questions for a live Q+A with Brian Greene covering black holes, time travel, …