#YourDailyEquation with Brian Greene offers brief and breezy discussions of the most pivotal equations of the ages. Even if your math is a bit rusty, these accessible and exciting stories …
This statement is false. Think about it, and it makes your head hurt. If it’s true, it’s false. If it’s false, it’s true. In 1931, Austrian logician Kurt Gödel shocked the worlds of mathematics and philosophy by establishing that such statements are far more than a quirky turn of language: he showed that there are mathematical truths which simply can’t be proven.
Deep in the oceans, marine biologist Marah Hardt counts coral, sea urchin, and fish and looks for patterns to understand what makes reefs sick or healthy. Create a coral reef …
With ever more refined techniques for measuring complex brain activity, scientists are challenging the understanding of thought, memory and emotion–what we have traditionally called “the self.”
The mysteries of dark matter and dark energy may be evidence that we don’t fully understand the force of gravity. But when it comes to a force that has been studied mathematically and probed observationally for hundreds of years, what do we still need to learn?
How fast is the universe expanding? Two prominent approaches are finding different answers, propelling cosmology toward a crisis. Wendy Freedman, a renowned astronomer who has spent decades seeking the expansion …