Renowned computer scientist and virtual reality pioneer Jaron Lanier joins Brian Greene to explore revolutionary proposals for understanding, leveraging, and safeguarding AI. This program is part of the Big Ideas …
Black holes may hold the key to understanding the most fundamental truths of the universe, but how do you see something that’s, well, black? Astronomers think they have the answer. …
Professor Lee Berger is an award-winning researcher, explorer, author, palaeoanthropologist, and speaker. His explorations into human origins on the African continent, Asia, and Micronesia for the past two and a …
#YourDailyEquation with Brian Greene offers brief and breezy discussions of the most pivotal equations of the ages. Even if your math is a bit rusty, these accessible and exciting stories …
Powerful new genetic tools allow scientists to alter the DNA of any organism—with tests on human embryos already underway. Even more ambitious, synthetic biologists on the verge of creating the genetic material for a living organism from scratch are setting their long-term sites on fashioning a fully synthetic human genome.
Stuff happens. The weather forecast says it’s sunny, but you just got drenched. You got a flu shot—but you’re sick in bed with the flu. Your best friend from Boston met your other best friend from San Francisco. Coincidentally. What are the odds?