Annalisa Calo

Annalisa Calo has a degree in Chemistry and a master in Photochemistry and Chemistry of Materials, based in the design of molecules and materials with new properties and on their characterization by means of high-resolution techniques from the University of Bologna, Italy. During her PhD, she learned the fundamentals of atomic force microscopy (AFM) (National Research Council CNR, Italy). There, she also developed and used different techniques, like soft-lithography and electron beam lithography (EBL), to fabricate optically active organic and polymeric thin films from solutions and to spatially modulate their properties. After the PhD, she moved to Spain (IBEC, ICN2, nanoGUNE), where she specialized in force measurements with the AFM (Force Spectroscopy), which she applied to the characterization of different classes of materials, from inorganic crystals, to self-assembled monolayers, to biological structures (natural vesicles, viruses).