Chris Mason

Dr. Christopher Mason completed his dual B.S. in Genetics and Biochemistry from University of Wisconsin-Madison (2001), his Ph.D. in Genetics from Yale University (2006), and then completed his dual post-doctoral training at Yale Medical School in genetics and a fellowship at Yale Law School (2009). He is currently an Associate Professor at Weill Cornell Medicine, with appointments at the Tri-Institutional Program on Computational Biology and Medicine between Cornell, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Rockefeller University, the Sandra and Edward Meyer Cancer Center, and the Feil Family Brain and Mind Research Institute. The Mason laboratory develops and deploys new biochemical and computational methods in functional genomics to elucidate the genetic basis of human disease and human physiology. We create novel techniques in next-generation sequencing and algorithms for tumor evolution, genome evolution, DNA/RNA modifications, and genome/epigenome engineering, which help establish the molecular foundations and genetic defenses for enabling long-term human space travel.