Daniela Bucella

Daniela Buccella is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry at New York University. Born and raised in Venezuela, she received her B.S. in Chemistry in 2002 from Simón Bolívar University in Caracas, and started research as an undergraduate in the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research under the supervision of Professor Roberto Sánchez-Delgado. She moved to New York to pursue a Ph.D. in Chemistry at Columbia University, where she worked with Professor Ged Parkin in the area of inorganic synthesis and catalysis. Following an NIH-sponsored postdoctoral fellowship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where she worked with Professor Stephen Lippard, she returned to New York City in the fall of 2011 to start her independent career exploring the interface of inorganic chemistry and biology. Work in her research group focuses on the development of new molecular probes and imaging strategies for the study of cellular metal homeostasis and chromatin remodeling by metalloenzymes. In recognition for her work, she has been awarded a Whitehead Fellowship for Junior Faculty in Biomedical and Biological Sciences, and an NSF CAREER award.