Eric Chown

Eric Chown is a professor of Computer Science at Bowdoin College. In 2012 he helped create Bowdoin’s Digital and Computational Studies program and has served as Co-Director of the program ever since. Since 2005 he has led Bowdoin’s RoboCup team, the Northern Bites, in worldwide robotic soccer competitions. RoboCup is a competition designed to push research forward in robotics, with the ultimate goal that by 2050 the RoboCup world champion will take on the FIFA World Cup champions in a regulation game of soccer. The Northern Bites were world champions in 2007, finished second in the world in 2009 and have numerous top ten finishes. The success of the Northern Bites in RoboCup is more remarkable considering that all of the other RoboCup teams in the world come from large research institutions with graduate schools. Meanwhile, Bowdoin College is a school of less than 2000 undergraduate students.