John R. Smith

Dr. John R. Smith is an IBM Fellow and Manager of Multimedia and Vision at IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. He leads IBM’s Research & Development on Visual Comprehension including IBM Watson Developer Cloud Visual Recognition, Intelligent Video Analytics (IVA), IBM Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval System (IMARS), Dermatology Image Analysis, and Video Understanding for Augmented Creativity. Dr. Smith recently served as co-General Chair of ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR-2016) in New York City. Previously, he was Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Multimedia from 2010-2014, Associate Editor-in-Chief from 2006-2010, and Standards Editor from 2003-2006. Dr. Smith led IBM’s participation in MPEG-7 / MPEG-21 standards and served as a Chair of the MPEG Multimedia Description Schemes Sub-Group and co-project Editor of MPEG-7 Standard. Dr. Smith is a Member at Large for the ACM SIGMM Executive Committee and Fellow of IEEE.