Michael Meacham

Mike Meacham holds a M.Eng. in mechanical engineering from Cornell University, concentrating in vehicular design and creating off-road skateboards as part of his education. He spent the first part of his career at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) delivering hardware for the Mars Science Laboratory, specifically the Remote Sensing Mast that is still taking imagery of the Martian terrain today. On the Low Density Supersonic Decelerators project, he developed entirely new concepts, using rocket sleds, to strength test multiple inflatable decelerators for future Mars landers. Meacham went on to be the lead Mechanical Systems Engineer for all of Cruise, Entry, Descent and Landing on the Mars 2020 rover mission. He is currently the Assistant Section Manager of the Spacecraft Mechanical Engineering Section as well as Technical Group Supervisor for the Staff Group at JPL.