Nour E. Raouafi

Dr. Nour E. Raouafi is a solar physicist. He is the project scientist of NASA’s Parker Solar Probe mission. He obtained his PhD from the University of Paris XI (Orsay, France). Before joining the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in 2008, he worked at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (Göttingen, Germany 2002-2005) and the National Solar Observatory (Tucson, Arizona: 2005-2008). His research spreads over a wide range of solar and heliospheric areas with an emphasis on the dynamic solar corona via the analysis of spectral and imaging observations, theory, and modeling. His primary contributions have been in the area of solar magnetic fields, coronal spectropolarimetry, coronal plumes and jets, CMEs and coronal shock waves, solar energetic particles, and cometary physics. He has authored and co-authored tens of peer-reviewed papers and meeting proceedings.