Randy L. Jirtle

Randy Jirtle headed the epigenetics and imprinting laboratory at Duke University until 2012. He is presently a visiting professor at McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Jirtle’s research interests are in epigenetics, genomic imprinting, and the fetal origins of disease susceptibility. He has published over 180 peer-reviewed articles and was a featured scientist on the NOVA program entitled Ghost in Your Genes. He was invited to speak at the 2004 and 2011 Nobel Symposia on epigenetics. He was honored in 2006 with the Distinguished Achievement Award from the College of Engineering at the University of Wisconsin. Jirtle was nominated for the 2007 TIME magazine’s “Person of the Year.” He was the inaugural recipient of the Epigenetic Medicine Award in 2008 and received the STARS Lecture Award in Nutrition and Cancer from the NCI in 2009. This year Jirtle will publish two books on environmental epigenomics.