Danielle Ofri

When Danielle Ofri (MD, Ph.D.) isn’t seeing patients at Bellevue Hospital, the oldest public hospital in the country, she’s writing about the doctor-patient connection for The New York Times, Slate, and other publications. She’s editor-in-chief of the Bellevue Literary Review. Ofri’s newest book is What Patients Say; What Doctors Hear, about how doctors and patients communicate (or don’t!). She is the author of four other books including What Doctors Feel, Medicine in Translation, Incidental Findings, and Singular Intimacies: Becoming a Doctor at Bellevue. She has given TED talks on Deconstructing Perfection and Fear: A Necessary Emotion for Doctors, and has also performed stories for the Moth. She is featured in the upcoming documentary: Why Doctors Write. Ofri lives with several unfinished novels in various states of disrepair under her bed, three kids and husband, and the forever challenges of the cello in a singularly intimate Manhattan-sized apartment.