Erick Ordoñez

Erick Ordoñez is the Deputy Branch Chief, Systems Requirements, Verification & Validation at NASA. Prior to that he was the Systems Engineering Group and the lead systems engineer for In Space Manufacturing and Additive Construction with Mobile Emplacement Projects at NASA at Marshall Space Flight Center. He has worked as a systems engineer for multiple projects including ISAT, Lunar Flashlight and NEA Scout, SLS, and the Warm Gas Test Article (Mighty Eagle). Prior to working as a lead systems engineer, Ordoñez has worked at multiple NASA facilities including Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in Pasadena California, Johnson Space Center, Houston Texas, and White Sands Test Facility, in Las Cruces New Mexico. He started his career at MSFC in 2010 as a materials lab lead engineer for the Materials and Processing Laboratory at MSFC. Ordoñez is married and has three amazing children. He spends his free time with his family or Salsa dancing at festivals all over the world.